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About LGBT Flags Merge!
=Happy pride month!=
man flag + man flag = gay flag
woman flag + woman flag = lesbian flag
gay + lesbian = ???
can you find all flags?
@VKGames :
You can support localization to you language! ->
New Features: v.6400<br>BGM added. (Composer : Ryan)<br>Fixed text wrap issue.<br><br>v.6100<br>changed Gay flag image. (thank you!)<br>preparing localization...<br><br>v.5800<br>fixed typo errors. (thx Jay Doering!)<br><br>v.5700<br>Share button added.<br>Decreased app size.<br><br>-Next update : multi language support!<br><br>v.5100<br>fixed hint bug.<br>change UI and font.<br>
LGBT Flags Merge! Cheats, Hints, Way to Modify, How to Use & How to Win.

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Device: 5.0 and up | Content: LGBT Flags Merge! hack tricks | Rating: 4.3958335 |
Latest update: 2021-06-26 | Downloads: 50000-84308 | Type: reviews, guides, tips |
Size: no data | Title: LGBT Flags Merge! cheats from players | Device: Android |
Author: VKGames | File Name: com.VKGames.LGBTFlags | Category: Puzzle |
Added Version: 0.0.6400_3153356 | Content Rating: Everyone | Game type: Apk |
Hoow to get mingender
Androsexual and androsexual
I've been trying to figure thst out for Ages
How to make asexual heteroromantic cause ace + heteroromantic not working
How to make gender fluid
How to get asexual
Simple. Just merge Nominsexual and Nofinsexual.
How do you make Demigender?
Transfem+transmasc= demigender
How do you get non confirming
Idk Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr
How to make genderfluid
how do you get nomin and nofin
Nominsexual: achillean + achillean
How to make onmisexual
mingender + pangender i think
how do you get arospike?
how to get heterosexual
there isn't one. that's it. Heterosexual is another word for straight.
Heterosexual: Questioning + Man
Qustioning and man
It shouldn't be one but they need it for other things (like heterosexual biromantic), that is why there is one How to make it: Questioning + man
How to get heterosexual
Questioning + man
questioning + man i think
How do you make trans flag?
Idk bbhsjsjajajnssnnsjs
Idk you add a some and a something
How do you get the trans flag
demigender + multisexual
I feel I really need this answer
Trans flagshhshsjsjjsjsj
transfem + transmasc
how do you get striaght and questing on andriod
Genderfluid+agender=Questioning + man= heterosexual
how do you make omi
Pangender and mingender
How do you make pangender?
Polyamorous and Achillean
Polyamorous + Achillean = Pangender
how do you get questioning ?
Gender fluid+Agender
How do I get agender and gender fluid I'm trying to make so many of them again because I deleted the game but now I do t remember and I had almost 100 before I deleted the game
It’s heterosexual+man
Como se faz o heterossexual
Como se faz o hetro?
How do you make trans
Demigender + Multisexual
How can we make trans?
Idk Uhfhvbjndfffffffff
Hoe krijg je transgender
how do you make hetero? Man + woman make bisexual.
Cuestionandose + hombre
How to get a heterosexual flag iphone version?
Questioning + man
What’s the developer code?
Absolutely no clue I’m trying to figure it out myself
How to get Xenogender
Asexual + Asexual
how get non binary
Multisexual + Multisexual = Non-binary
How to get pansexual
+ Gay=Pansexual
How do you create Polysexual
How do you create demi-girl and demi-boy
demi gender and boy or girl = eqauls demi boy or demin girl. How to get demi gender: transfem or tranmasc
Hot to get the gender fluid flag
Non conforming + demigender
How to get bonus or discount?
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Do you know any tricks or secrets?
Could you share a short guide and tips?